131: Steward Your Soul


I think I’ve mentioned it before here on the podcast, but one of my all-time favorite shows is the American version of The Office. I watched it back in the day when it was airing on NBC, and now it’s one of those shows I return to if I need something on in the background that is relatively mindless and familiar. In a way, I suppose it’s become a comfort show.

One of my favorite episodes of the entire nine-season series is actually an extended two-part episode situation: Season 4, Episode 1 titled “Fun Run.” The premise of this particular episode involves the lead character, Michael Scott, organizing a 5k run in honor of one of his employees, Meredith Palmer, who he happened to accidentally hit with his car in the office parking lot.

She was okay, but while she was in the hospital after this accident, Meredith disclosed an encounter she had with a bat back in Season 3, leading to a precautionary rabies treatment. And when Michael Scott finds out about this, he decides that this fun run will not only be in honor of Meredith, but will also help to raise awareness and funds for rabies research. By the way, saying all of this out-loud to you now makes me realize how utterly ridiculous this show was, and that’s why we loved it.

Anyway, this fun run is happening, and Michael is determined to reach the finish line first. And it becomes clear real fast that he has never run any sort of significant distance before. He carb-loads by eating a full plate of fettuccini alfredo right before and then proceeds to sprint as fast as he can as soon as the race begins. He does okay for a few minutes, but soon we see him hunched over, totally out of breath, his body cramping up, his spirit discouraged, and his recently-consumed fettuccini alfredo splayed on the side of the road.

Michael had good intentions. But clearly, his approach was not sustainable.

It’s a silly storyline, to say the least. But I find humor often has a way of uniquely revealing what’s true. And I think this particular premise highlights a familiar reality for many of us. Here’s what I mean.

When there is work to do, ground to cover, progress to make, we want to get moving as quickly and efficiently and significantly as possible. We are bound and determined to make it happen, whatever “it” is. And while we might begin with good intentions, it usually doesn’t take long before we run ourselves ragged. We quickly grow exhausted, and end up leading with bitterness, cynicism, anxiety, and fear, just to name a few. It’s so easy to get ahead of ourselves. To get ahead of our souls. Sound familiar?

A couple episodes ago, in remind{h}er 128, I offered an invitation to keep going, and take breaks. In that episode, I mentioned the need for good stewardship as we partner with the Spirit and participate in the work God calls us to. Because, try as we might, we cannot forever move full-steam ahead—not for the long-haul anyway. A sprint is rarely sustainable. And so, today’s episode feels like a kind of continuation of that conversation, as we consider what good soul stewardship might actually look like.

Here’s the thing: we can’t ignore that there is work to do. But as followers of Jesus, the way we approach it matters.

There’s a passage in the gospel of Matthew where Jesus shares with his disciples about what lies ahead for him and his ministry. And in the midst of this conversation, Jesus also shares with his disciples what it will mean for them to follow him. In Matthew 16:24-26, we read:

Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it. What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?

Now Jesus is saying a lot here—it’s a deep, powerful passage, for sure. But one of the many layers I notice within it is a call to care for and steward our souls.

This might seem a bit off-base; after all, the very first requirement Jesus offers here is denying ourselves. But I’m learning denying self is not ignoring self. In fact, if we look to the original Greek of the passage, denying ourselves is more like aligning ourselves with the way of Jesus. So instead of forcing our way, if the self and Spirit are ever at odds, we ultimately commit to the way of the Jesus. It is a willingness to lay down my way, my preference, my opinion, my timing—choosing to instead listen for and trust the Spirit’s lead.

And it turns out, that awareness and alignment is so very good for the soul.

In his book, Soul Keeping, pastor John Ortberg writes, “For the soul to be well, it needs to be with God.”

I’ll add that I believe we are always with God, or that God is always with us. It is our awareness of that constant presence that waxes and wanes. And so maybe for the soul to be well, we need to be aware of God-With-Us and God-Within-Us.

In the midst of all the work there is to do, I wholeheartedly believe we must prioritize the well-being of our souls. This doesn’t mean we refrain from the work, not at all; but it does mean we seek to approach it in a sustainable way. A way in which we are aware of and open to the presence, the movement, the timing, the pace of God’s Spirit. As well as the comfort, the joy, the peace, the hope of God’s love. Right here, in the middle of it all.

Author and community activist Shannan Martin calls this our need for counterweights. When the work feels too heavy or overwhelming, we remember and engage those counterweights—the things, people, practices, and experiences that remind us of the presence of God and inspire us to keep going in the good work we’re called to.

It’s more than self-care. In fact, it seems self-care might become soul-care when it’s done in the presence of God.

So—keeping all this in mind—I wonder what might it look like for you to steward your soul? Of course, there are many ways, countless counterweights, but…

It might look like going on a daily walk in your neighborhood.

It might look like studying and meditating on Scripture.

It might look like noticing what’s beautiful right where you are.

It might look like observing little pockets of silence throughout your day—even if those pockets can only be a couple minutes long.

It might look like sitting on the porch.

It might look like reading a good book.

It might look like having a meaningful conversation.

It might look like limiting the amount of time you engage the news cycle or your social media feed.

It might look like trying a new recipe or baking a sweet treat.

It might look like working in your yard or garden.

It might look like listening to a particular playlist.

It might be as simple as drinking enough water, getting enough sleep, or taking some deep breaths—after all, caring for our body is part of caring for our soul.

It might look like writing a poem, painting a canvas or practicing an instrument.

It might look like sharing a meal with friends.

The list goes on and on and on. There is still so much good to be found.

So today, as you participate in God’s good work, remember to steward your soul. May we cultivate a restorative and ongoing awareness of God-with-and-within-us, seeking to listen for and follow the Spirit’s lead, as together, we continue to become the people God calls and invites us to be.


132: Reset


130: A Spiritual Practice of Surprise